"Still Ripple" [Poetry/Art]

"As the water ripples out, so too it is still, in the center where it was touched."

        There is a song by "The Grateful Dead" called "Ripple", and oh what a song it was and lasts in influence to today as it stood an anthem of sorts in it's time. 

The lyrics chorus go:

"Ripple in still water, where there is no pebble tossed, no wind to blow..." sung in solemn faith to the sound of the mandolin.

        This "inverted Haiku" above in the artwork is, I believe, one of my best. The art is the original hand done ozenoz logo, containing all of the letters of O-Z-E-N-O-Z in it, done by hand with colored pencil and art paper. Photographed, reworked and mixed with an art blotter - style individually edited collage of the SDIA symbol photographed by me during sessions there, it gains it's "Ripple". All of this took many hours. The poetry is my own.

        You know, in 2002, I submitted a poem I finally named to poetry.com . Written in 1995 while at Marple Newtown H.S. , I remember moments after writing it, being escorted by Mrs. Bonder to her  English class, and demanded a recital. 

        After I read it, a girl who I later shared senior class "Best Eyes" with, sitting two rows back said simply, "Wow." 

        I named it HUM after the sanskrit seed syllables I read about in Llhama Govinda's "Transcendental Meditation and Multi - Dimensional Consciousness", a classic manual of astral travel and the spirits we are as humanity.

▪︎ H is the breath of the universe
▪︎ U is the sound of the mortal in the immortal
*(pronounced with a long oooo)
▪︎ M is the mortal vibration

        The sounds, the very particle vibration caused by chanting the syllables, Govinda says, alter ones consciousness and can bring you into multi - dimensional consciousness...

        The poem singlehandedly got me into "Who's Who in America 2003".


If trees grew upside down
And root houses were in fashion
I’d build me a root house high in the clouds
Of the bare peaked mountain
With snow at its base
There I’d spend my nights 
Looking down at the stars
That shine under the sky
From the seas of illusion 
To the deserts of green
And swing from the roots of my lone sanity

Got a comment? Write me at:

J.E. Ayers Brooks

