

Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things. The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.

     "Is that a f#ct?!"

       The biggest scam I ever took part in. 

        That would be the slow, eventual process of grounding in reality that I am a mentally deficient, drug addicted/alcoholic mess that fucked his own life up to the point where I cannot take care of myself like a human being should. Coupled with the false reality that I am a danger to myself and others and should not be trusted to be around kids or those who aren't made aware of these "facts" and/or cannot be relied on to defend their environs.

        Fact is, fact.

        At 12 I began being abused, at 15 I was thrown out.

        At that point in time my "parents" decided to start fiddling with my reputation in the community and blame the whole shit mess on me.

        At 18, with no help, I was unable to enroll in college, and continued to struggle to that end until it became apparent, I would never make it to any of America's top Universities that offered... a lot.

        By my mid 20's I had begun to come to the full realization that my family no longer existed in any way but harmful to me, and then at 27, I accidentally started my own.

        My "family" teamed up with my ex, and made sure I was kept from having any sort of parental role in my kids life, and that they were painted as the positive influence he should keep, and keep away from me.

        By 30,I was fucking destitute and out of the opportunity that young life had carried over for me. I felt like giving up.

        But it took me until I was 33 to finally fucking write off my family, and declare myself, rightfully free of them.

        Of course at 34, I met the love of my life and with having a kid and all that, your spouse wants to know, who? Your family.

        So I gnashed my teeth and bared my claws and painfully allowed that whole discovery process to happen.

        8 years later, I'm back where I started, oh, but with her on board and the fucking residual impact carrying over about now passed on beliefs about my mental health, and  what my legal intoxicant rights should be. 

         Fact is, the way I look at it, had I done what I KNEW SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE, from the time when I was like fucking 12 for chrissakes and just written them off then, and moved on, I'm convinced my life would have turned into a success story long ago.

         So here I am. Finally.

        No Dad. No Mom. No siblings. And of course extended family relationships don't exist... (in that? Sheah?!) 

        So I am here at 42... almost 43.

        I'm at a complete beginning here, with no clue on how to fill in the blanks for... what next?

        There is raise my bi - polar/autistic/adhd diagnosed 7 year old child I have been with her whole life.

        Full time job.

        Speaking of jobs, I am out of work and have been for 7 years too.

        I am at a crossroads here, and you know? I will look back on the last year and think how poor I was, and how I never had a dollar, but that with the woman I love and her family behind me that I was lucky, happy and fortunate.

        And "Mom" or any of you other people are reading this, yes we gave it a try. But you fucked me over ten times longer than you ever tried to help, and you treat my wife like shit. And you don't call. We haven't talked for decades but for here or there. 

        As for that "chromebook" you sent, Mom? Yeah, sold it. No. Not "for drugs" like you told my wife I got rid of that phone she bought me for.

        See that's it. I won. I got it through to my wife that my family were wrong, before they ever convinced her I was bad for her and my kid. I won!

        Muchos celebration!

        So here, guys.

        I ain't got shit.

        But I've got my health, my freedom and the love of my life by my side.

        That is all the hell I will ever need.


        Realized today too, I have been with my partner for near 1/5th of my life now. Too freaking cool.

        And, not much has changed. She used to say to me "...you're too honest, and I'm too loyal..."

        Two peas in a pod.

        The fact is the whole bi-polar diagnosis dumped on me is "a racket, not a rehabilitation..."

        Yeah, I need drugs to cope as much as any other man or woman on this planet needs the things they need to survive the stuff this world can put you through.

        Fact is, civilized men don't go straight without their doctors because societies psychiatrists and physicians in many ways keep us alive. They attach themselves to the "abnormal" and unhealthy things our bodies go through and prescribe legal means to access the chemicals man has been gifted to see us through our lives.

        Fact is, I am stuck.

        You know what my doctor has given me for the last year to get through my problems? Twice the highest recommended dosage of a powerful anti psychotic, a psycho- tropical stress debunker that treats my malaise from maladroit circumstance, mind you not my "diseased brain" but my shitty life pressures. I need help coping, and don't have the means to treat it myself.

        Know what I would do, if I had the choice?

        "Self medicate", quite expertly as I know myself better than any other fucking being on the planet.

        That's not what my "family" would tell you. Not what they and their opines about my copines and shallow finds in my company minds about the who, what, when, where, why and how much, as if I fucking asked them.

        I am stuck.

        Stuck like the rest of my life may never come down the way I intended it to be. Middle age coming on and broke, like I haven't seen money, almost ever. Broke like I have never given a Christmas like my kids deserve on me, ever. Rut got me without rot gut, but you'd be told about that by my family, that I never lived. Spent my years buried under the smut of a lifestyle I never even tried. Treated like a stark raving mad starved drug addict when all I needed was an ear that wasn't a judge's fucking pilon hammer knock from hell.

        I'm sick of being told what to do. I'm sick of being told who I am. I am sick of being foul mouthed to the tune of a heavy handed pity fuck anthem to stay one up on me and hand me down my daily reward for living the way someone else wants me to live. It fucking sucks.

        I want everything different than I have it. There is no control over my circumstances. There is no servitude or gratitude for the work I put in, I am just a custodial fucking espousal arrangement that needs mending when I don't see fit to bend my will to the tune of another person wanting me to do different.

        I was told I was deluded by these people, but that they would accept me in kind to do the bidding wished for my kid.

        Now that is my whole fucking life. Not me building a life with the talents and skills and knowledge and ability I have, at all.

        If I crack jokes like the stand up talent I have, I am "manic" and annoying. If I sing or play music I am going to be bothering people. If I want to get out and perform, it is not an acceptable lifestyle to be living. My writing is seen as unprofitable and cause for "episodes" and left unread by anyone I know. Literally. My acting is a pipe dream and my ability to work seen as an idiots errand I can't seem to get right, though my time is demanded to help out at home instead.

         What THE FUCK?

        I don't know what 2020 has left for me but, I tell you what it has taught me.

        It's all about the money.

        Time to make it happen, a pile of it.
1900 hits today, and not a dime.

        I'm gonna go smoke my last half a cigar.

        Peace by peace.

        I don't know what your spiritual journey has been like this life , the signposts, synchronicities, supernatural and natural mysteries that have guided you. The things I would love to be able one day to sit and relate. Psychiatrists and the overindulgence of them in my path have only strengthened that belief that my extrasensory and paranormal experienced miracles are unique to me and not my illness.

         And Rosalee has taught me moderation and medicinal maturity that has led from the extreme path I sometimes worry you fall into, abstinence at the hands of high steppers can lead equally to stigma and trauma. But more power to you, it is a thrill of it's own. Lord knows I've been there. 

        Long story short, I have late nights to early mornings say 3am EST to 11am EST that I am hard at work on my mediocrity here while the ladies sleep.

        As of late, as you know, I harass Brandon.

        I don't know how much you have become familiar with my writing, but it delves some into my "higher power".

        This morning (4am PST) just at the height of the witching hour, just after harassing Brandon, I was visited as I have in times I have crossed into fatefully guarded trouble.

        The Angel of Death reached out from in front of me and said " ...no more!" Or else.

        Other times such as these have seen me ignore his warnings and nearly die, and end up in hellish life situations where I fought for my life nearly every day, slept next to nil for weeks and months, and found my life near irreparable without at cost measures of extreme pain.

        You can tell the old man he will hear from me no more if he mentions it, but more than anything wanted you to know.

        Be safe. Be loved. Be good.

        Cause you are.

        It's not the greatest of epiphanies to be having, but I guess that "don't be a rat..." is something that should be more of a teaching these days.

         I will forever be looking over my shoulder. The attempts on my life are plenty proof for me. I don't even go out to smoke and enjoy the peace of mind that they won't  get bolder and come onto our property. And I don't expect I will ever get pardoned, so there it is.

        The guy I once called "Dad", though he has done little to prove it, and recently said I am dead to him, he used to have this saying. 

        "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you."

        They are. And have been for half a decade since I moved into that crime ridden downtown studio apartment complex. Like a city projects, complete with pushers, meth labs, prostitutes and foot soldiers. 

       It was a fucking nightmare. That's when it all began.  They started even following my wife and I when we were driving in her parents car doing things. The same white sedan, once it even was adorned with wedding cans on the bumper reading "Just Eased In". They were that fucking bold.

        She treated me like I was nuts when I mentioned them, as if it was my bi polar or something. This of course made me think she knew and was part of them somehow and led to fights.

        They have always been on cue, it is when, late at night, we have had a fight, and I am forced to leave on foot.

       Then it is amazing what they can do, it really is. Complete with traffic light delay, and at least a dozen soldiers. It always seems to me they mean to take me alive, though on their last attempt they seemed ready to just kill me there.

        I will never lose the habit all of this gave me of memorizing license plates, and car make and models.

        In any case, the jig is up I figure, one of these days one of those fucks will cut lose a better plan and nail my balls to the wall. Meantime, I'm here, I'm here.

To Whom Gets It;

        This is not a pretty letter.

        This is a letter out of desperation and disgust for the abuse of authority I have been a victim to for decades.

        My name is Joel Brooks, son of KYW1060 morning anchor Brandon Brooks. Adopted son.

        I was adopted at age 10 when he knocked my Mom up to convince her to marry him. At 12 he had begun beating me, breaking my nose so that I was to hide two black eyes at school. He beat me hard, with fists with no provocation and no remorse. Then it was my responsibility to keep quiet so that he would be able to support us. To this day my mother denies all of this, stating that it is my "mental delusions". I have friends who remember.

        At age 15, while still collecting money from my Social Security "survivors insurance" from my deceased father (53 lung cancer), he decided first to charge me $400 rent, then to throw me out. My mother said she wished I "was never born", him, brandishing fists in his booming anchor voice "...fuck off you little shit, you are homeless!"

        As a child and teen, my nicknames were "shitheel", "rat", "toad" and "idiot".

        I spent the entirety of my junior year of High School living with friends while "B.B." lived it up on my Dad's money on the golf course.

        Growing up til 10 it was just me and my mom. I was a gifted student, in accelerated courses, and didn't get a mark less than an "A" until eighth grade. Despite my parents, I graduated High School. I was a varsity football player, a varsity lacrosse player, a collegiate award winner in theater with leading roles, I was a gifted writer,  and played first chair, first trumpet in the school band all the while.

        Brandon got me started early as a caddie, but never respected my profession. I was given two old cars, but he sold them for his gambling debts and told me to "hitch-hike" to work.

        As soon as my senior year was over, while in a band with such notables as Harrison Meyle (Golden Globe) and Alex Stiff (Grammy Nominee) he made sure I was left with no car and no home, nothing but a trash bag of clothes, making it clear I would never see help again.

        When false charges were brought on me at 18, he forced my hand at a guilty sentence, and has used the rehab I was unduly made to attend as a weapon.

        Brandon is a hypocrite. People make mistakes. His first heart attack was from cocaine, while at WTAJ TV10 in Altoona, PA. Mercy Hospital. No excuse for him to be cast out? Rather, I see his heartless acts as his eventual demise.

        After serving my sentence, while caddying at Galloway National Golf Club in New Jersey, I tried to return home.

        I was told, at Christmas, not to return for any more holidays (for no good reason) and that they offered me no help.

        Had they decided when I was 18 to keep me and I could go to college (which I have pined for, for decades) they would have been funded to help me. My caddy career would have blossomed into opportunity at the doors of business leaders best.

        This apparently was not the plan.

        By March of 1998 I was in my first full fledged emotional disorder crisis. Due to abuse.

        Here is the problem.

        They have pawned me off on the system every day since.

        Brandon had his insurance pay 400K to put me up in a rehab in the Poconos and then 28 days later, dropped me off broke under the Market Frankford El in the Philly ghetto where I listened to gunshots every night.

        They have since had me in some fashion be committed 50 times to psychiatric wards, I have been through 50 homes, and have struggled across 50 jobs in various career moves. Those are real numbers.

        This allowance for the abuse of the system to relegate a person's mental well being as subject to people who, well... they haven't known me across 27 years, yet their plea is some desperate struggle to make sure I am kept at bay for what they have done. It's a revolving door here folks, that I cannot keep up with.

        Now I am 43, two kids. One they have brainwashed, my siblings along with him playing that I am "too dangerous" to see him unless it is on their terms.

        One Thanksgiving a few years back they offered in between their Napa Hotel and flights round trip from Philly with reserved tables elsewhere to bring my son to meet with me, at a public park.

        Apparently I am not too dangerous than to have a 7 year old daughter I have raised every day of her life to date. She's my one, my one they will never take away.

        Oh and we are broke. 13,000+ hours building on blogger to try and elevate from where I have been cast out, I am at zero.

        I am writing a book on this.

        One that should start some hearts.

        Mentally ill Anonymous.

        Why should I have to live in fear that I could be taken out in cuffs to the State Institution by a family who never cared except that they were comfortable?

        Stop system abuse.

        Fuck, end it.

Oh and, stigma kills,

creator of http://www.ozenozmedia.com 

&  http://www.ozenoz.media

        The word of the day for me is "pernicious".


/pərˈniSHəs/  adjective

having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

"the pernicious influences of the mass media"

        The whole defining major setback of my every day life is the effect of my hateful, spiteful, overbearing and viciously short sighted family. It has become defined as "total family estrangement" but it is, due to the nature of the beasts, still highly toxic, even when out of contact.

        They have done so much harm to me, that the most of what constitutes the severity of my "mental illness" is from their abuse. It would be folly to assume that it was not possibly even the whole cause at its roots.

        In a world riddled with the cruelest of circumstance, how can you not blame the evil events as the cause of emotional disorder?! It flies in the face of reason!

        Now these monsters of game feel they can use my own writing, and their manipulation of my illnesses to control my life. The sad fact is, that though they may fall short at having me arrested, state hospitalized, put under law by them in any way, their efforts have continued to reach and destroy my day to day psyche.

        Just because I have admitted to having used drugs before doesn't mean I'm an addict. I don't do drugs, and don't need the back talk. Just because I was forced to accept my own inner voices as "hallucinations" before doesn't mean I'm crazy without my own inherent intuitions. Once I was confused amidst the whole world abandoning me. I no longer need the stigma, thank you.

        Just because my "mother" knows all of my information and has a degree now in psychology doesn't mean she has a right to access my records, but she does.

        Just because my adopted Brooks "dad" feels threatened by his own abuse of me, doesn't mean he can make illegitimate claims to the authorities that govern over my freedom of speech, and serve well to protect from the people he accuses me of being.

        Once, at age 22, returning home with a new love in my life having seen the whole U.S., I went to visit, out of love, my parents and siblings. When I got there I was beaten to the ground by ten cops and they tried to State Hospitalize me. They told the police I "had a gun and was coming to kill" them.

        Didn't take much to eventually learn they would stop at nothing to get me out of the way.

        I will no longer live under their thumb.

But I do.

        That's what sucks. I have to deal with the 6th sense all about them dragging me down with agonizing anxiety day in and day out.

        And when they reach out to my local community about my "aberrant" condition, it does hurt me emotionally, physically, and monetarily. It does harm, not good.


        The title of this entry in the weblogs of my life.


        Alright, this is the way I am going to go about this.

        I have sworn off the truth in it’s uncensored form in the main reason, my friends, family, and loved ones would suffer the injustice of exposure and persecution if not prosecution in the hands, and eyes of many who would have them taken from my life.

        I have too few of these people as it is, and I would simply be killed.

        And so I begin the daily documentation of my life, which will, in essence serve as my autobiographical sketch protecting me from the asshole perverse idiots who have plagued me from near the start.

        I am going to just have to shoot from the hip here.

        This book is a book of injustices I am going to “Tell”, nothing more than the injustices.

OK so…

        At 11 years old MY ADOPTED DAD “Brandon Brooks”, recently retired from KYW3/1060AM helped done in by my own hand out of self – defense beat me, a number of times. Badly.

        The first I remember is well. I was standing on the landing in the ski lodge style open landing between the kitchen wrap – around bar, and the 14 ft. high track lit stonewall fire-placed living room. He was arguing with my white trash biological Mom about work as the NBC morning and noon T.V.Anchor spot and his pressures. They paid for that well off a house because my Dad left Navy S.S. funds in his death.

        She wanted more for me. I just wanted say that I needed to meet my friend for dinner. My friend had nice parents who picked the peas out of his home made stew, who loved him and ran a downtown Albany jewelry store.

I stood there for a second too long.

        He ran up to the landing, Brandon, and dragged me into the living room near the fenced in garden that showed so much snow in the harsh winters sliding glass door. 

        Brandon was 5’7” 230 lbs.

        He began pounding me, an twelve year old, with his fists dozens of times at full force. As he pounded me I remember thinking how surreal this all was, how traumatically and physically painful to hear another human being trying to fucking kill my body.

        My puppy, a Husky German Shepard mix got in the mix, and he repeatedly threw her teeth off to continue beating me.

This was not the first time.

        Brandon sent me to clean the gutters of the two and half car garage of the towering majestic pine tree needles so as not to spoil his NFL Sunday in the living room. I put a ladder up as he specified. He had told me not to climb down the back on the towering fences of the paved flower beds porch.

        I was too scared. I am afraid of heights at times, and the ladder was too vertical.

        I climbed down the back.

        As I approached the front door, he flung it open. 

        In his hand was a solid state 1980’s Panasonic T.V. and V.C.R. remote control.

       In a rage he had screamed at me and broke the remote into pieces over my face, cheek, mouth, and nose, bloodying it. He broke my nose. I have a chip there that is the one that put it on my shoulder.

        When I was 14, we moved back to Philly as he had blown his gig.

That’s when he went to KYW.

        At 15, he went into my room and busted my stereo into a thousand pieces when I was not home.

        He screamed obsentieses at me at various events and during normal functions, unprecedented events like the time I was at dinner quietly eating when he screamed about how “…you will not make obscene remarks about tits or ass or pussy or FUCKING!” while I silently ate my dinner.

He beat my mother a number of times.

        She blamed the beatings on me, that I had done it, to retain her “status”

        At 15, my friends family pulled up to take me to Ocean City, Maryland to their hotel for a weeks vacation.

        The second they pulled up he attacked me, jealous of my reprieve and grabbed me violently claiming he had been on my case for weeks to “mow the lawn” and that I had to do it now, or not go at all.

        They were in the car, in the driveway, bags in tow.

I didn’t know what to do.

        I said goodbye and he began to physically assault me until I got out the door in front of my friends parents.


        I left and didn’t return my full Junior year until I was bribed by them and lost my nerve the summer before my Senior year.

        That Senior Year I was first chair, first trumpet, professional quality, a premier caddie at Aronimink Golf Club, a collegiate level National Award Winner in comedic acting, an All -Delco Writer, a celebrated artist, an award winning director, Lead in Splendor in the Grass as “Bud”, and a recognized athlete.

        I was not helped to go to college, and graduation came.

        I had gotten into a band.

        The guitarists are two time Golden Globe Winner Harrison Meyle, Grammy Nominee and Major Arena Star Alex Wood Stiff, another vocalist an Industry Pioneer, and our drummer a successful multi- millionaire software engineer and drummer still.

        We played a Philly Zoo Benefit, The Middle East, and recorded with a Jerry Garcia Band Drummer.


        A week after graduation I was told to get lost, and they dropped me off with no money, and no home at my “shit” band practice at Pete’s garage with a trash bag of clothing “and stay out!”

        It took years to get the message.

Like a Rolling Stone.

        In 2000 I finally left my dead end caddie job and went on tour.

        By this time they had tried to have me State Hospitalized already the first time. They still try, and in their "sage advice" I have excommunicated them.

Phish tour. Ahh “Gone Phishing”.

        You can read it on this blog. It is in the body of the autobiographical journey I wrote in 2005. It’s in the book I compiled of unfinished writings entitled “Apples of Eden”.

What I didn’t write?

        End of tour. I have been in contact with my old bandmate who is moving to L.A. right now. He wants to collaborate. He and his family are friend’s since back in the day with the Grateful Dead. I have backstage passes to the Dead and Phish last date of TWO tours I have done at Alpine. He wants to start a band. We had planned on it.

        I get there and stay with my half sister in Costa Mesa. 

        I land a career caddie by day/ waiter by night position at Bel Aire Country Club in Los Angeles. Fresh Prince.

        My fiancee bails, in contact with my family and her ex husband. Changed my life forever.

        I drive her back to Detroit, in a day and a half, and go home to try and work shit out with my family.

        While I am having “tea” with the neighbors, they call the cops I am “deluded and ill” and say “he has a GUN!”

        They didn’t shoot me, and I narrowly avoided State HOSPITALIZATION, left for Ann Arbor, got 3 jobs until their next episode.

        No matter what I say, they always pick and choose what is real. The rest is “my illness”.

        What I wouldn’t give to have a reprieve that strong.

        Mark my words. My run at success is yet to come.


        You know, fuck it, Mom comment all you want but I would rather you stay out of this shit like you do my life.

        Thanks for the indigent pack for Xmas.

        This New Year fell heavy on the nostalgia for me. The whole Holidays have.

        For the first time in my adult life I have a family. 

        I am a goddamn good Dad. Being a Dad is #1 in my life and my little girl shows it.

        I am being given in the second half of my life the opportunity to fucking have a life.

        Beaten up at home at 12, kicked out at 15, I never got a fair chance. Despite this I graduated with honors only those with massive potential earn. Then in the midst of big opportunity I was abandoned and mocked. Disallowed from visiting my siblings, ridiculed and fucking tortured by having no shot at what I burned with desire to do: go to college.

        Then bi-polar set in. I was told drugs had caused a psychosis I was recovering from. Untrue. What marijuana to medicate it? After my "Dad" who according to my "Mom" never beat me (two black eyes and a bloody nose) well, after they P.R.'d themselves to get me detained with a $420,000 Ritz Carlton rehab stint that left me $42,000 in the hole not by choice, I was dropped in the Kensington ghetto of Philly to fend for myself.

        My illness and desperately unshown drug addiction were used as a weapon against me to bury their wrongs.

        Every time I would have a significant other, I would be politically undermined by them. My current partner and the mother of my 8 year old hates that all of this is this way too. Despite numerous slanderous and miscreant attacks on me she diligently works systematically and successfully maintains a respectful tie between all of us.

        My firstborn, I was kept from while this "family" took to him while blaming me as being a "deadbeat". My mother told me "don't you dare even bring another child into this world," while pulling strings to have me pushed down with every attempt at reconciliation.

        Every time I bent to their opinions I sunk deeper and deeper into vindicating these "facts", and my circumstances remained dismal. I even wrote an autobiography that put the tide against me.

        Yet I have always persevered to the dream that one day I would climb out of this martyrdom of disillusioned and demeaning circumstance.

        In my adult life I have had near 50 jobs, and near 50 homes. Doesn't represent a hopelessly deadbeat individual, it embodies a hard fought struggle.  One that has armed me with a lot of potential.

        I am blamed as a deadbeat and vile and sick person who ran far away of my own desire to take no responsibility to date.

        So when no one in my family calls like as has been for as long as I can remember, when I recall being dropped like a hot sack of shit, I don't care anymore.

        I have a family around me now who truly cares. Who listens, loves and forgives. Forgives me for what I lack and what ailments may harm. A family who gives unconditionally and without recognition. 

        I have found home where I was always told it was.

In my heart.

         Happy New Year from the worst of the best to the best of the worst.


        As for my only son...

        Listen, Shane, you're practically an adult, so I am going to talk to you like one.

        First off, we are not going to have a close relationship. Whether or not we have a relationship at all remains to be seen.

        I don't have a Dad. I have a pragmatic asshole in my past who gave me his last name, but that dude, Brandon is not my Dad. He beat me when I was 11, 12 years old, threw me out of the house at 15, and has never been anything but abusive. He turned my Mom, who I wont have anything to do with either, against me.

        Her bullshit about my illness, my supposed drug problem is more than I can take.

        Shane, I was kept from Asher and Carly because they said I was "dangerous", then they kept me from you for the same reasons while doing everything they could to discredit, and ruin me. 

        I don't want anything to do with Lillian, Brandon, Asher and really your Mom or Carly either. This puts you in a rather permanent bad spot. One we can't change.

        Don't change your tune now.

You're a groomsman.

        I'm excommunicated.

Could really care less.

         I feel bad for you. But not bad enough to risk what I have.

- "DAD" I guess...


        On the topic of homosexuality.

        When I was young I went through the developmental phases of experimentation and later pubescent fantasizing to find a measure of understanding, and simply because the risky thought made it easy to get off.

        But it always left a dismissed and somewhat ill feeling in the after, leading to repeated conclusion in my hypersexuality that I was a womans boy, man, God, shit.

        Then it happened. I was raped by  a man who I had hitchhiked a ride with from Eugene, Oregon. He was "...the second largest land owner in the United States," at that time and spoke with the governor of Montana about his "...fleet of trucks taking corrosion damage due to mandated oversalting of the roadways."

        We also on this trip, were allowed inside of a twenty truck, tank, Humvee, and armed troop caravan moving a fully armed nuclear warhead to the west coast. It was a hundred plus feet in length, and got a flyby by Air Force One while we passed through very close and inside of the troop caravan's confines.

        He told me of a young man on his ranch he had done this to who had hung himself after fleeing a lynch mob after him out of the closeted politics. He was threatening me. I was powerless.

        He had picked me up at the truck stop outside of Eugene, being kind and attentive to my personal space and we went off, hiding "...for insurance reasons," my presence "hitchhiking a ride." He then drove me to a remote Washington rest lot where I could not get away. He said he would get the police to arrest me, and began the sexual predatory nightmare.

        Our encounters left me feeling like I was covered in a deep slimy goo, and sickened.

        He was great friends with Castro, go figure,  and shipped cattle on seat stripped 747's to Japan. Nothing but steers and queers to talk of there in his tales.

        The rape left me vulnerable and confused on how to handle homophobic behavior, and I came out as bi - sexual to take social and political safety.

         "Oley", as he called himself, tagging another truckers identity, offered to pay my rent at the West Chester University Hockey house where I landed, partially, only after a nun in Michigan at St. Andrew's in Ann Arbor took pity and sent me home via Grehound. He wanted pictures, a further entrapment.

        My friends at AGC, they called me "Cracker" and took pity.

        The confusion in me led to other meaningless encounters due to blackout intoxication and being taken advantage of until I found a way to stand firm. I didn't like it. I was, and am straight. My choice.

        Often it seems to me that there can be a lot of sexual advances that go repeatedly overdone even after rejecting these members of the gay community which, I would guess to be seeking false comfort in sex, rather than love.

        I don't feel torn up about homosexuality, as I am not gay, and hold no sexual desires in this way other than normal curiosities which I have found don't leave me feeling good. It seems to me that in modern day people get trapped by liberals into gender identity crisis which is driven by gender equality issues that shouldn't be and aren't relevant.

        As for those who wanna label me, if I were gay, why would this even matter? 

        "That's all I have to say about that..."

Straight up.

"Stoop id is as stoop id does."


        I rarely write these days. I'm more often found wasting my vlog or podcast minutes filling the air with an unactivated mic, or blowing away my retentive neighbors with an unrecorded 2 1/2 hour acoustic setlist in the garage. As of late, though I have begun to spit venom.

        I don't trip, no crys, no crack (?), no yayo,  no pharmies,  hell even caffeine seems antithetical to my conscious. At all hours some nipping and buds do seem to put the even on the wheel steering the North Star guided keel, but only when not to outshine but only subside the tide.

        But I see him as of late. Who? Death. Him.

        He has shown up at all sorts of times in my life.

        Strung out in a meth house boarding residence where many had passed but not passed on, he guilded me to help a lost spirit who died before 1000 B.C. who he made clear, you see, and will unless you help TO PASS ON...

        A demon old enough to have pacted with Satan in Rome many millennia ago had been his fascinated company for three thousand years. He was dead, but this made it so he could travel anywhere and everywhere by a skill set the demon provided, offering other tormented souls under his guise as company.

        Death, he came to me and pleaded his case. "Help me to help him die to himself. God willing."

        Two hours later, the vortex thousands of years in wait to lead to the pearly gates lifted fair spirit, the late, to the pearly gates and heaven, as such.

        My cost? I angered the demon.

        Everything happens for a reason... I left the boarding home for good.

        Long absolution tale straight, Death comes to see me still when it is nary wanted by either of us, but likely events come to pass mean I may come to a fork in the road soon which will tell my tales end possibly.

        Tonight in non jest, stark in absolution of bearing no greed on his archetypical occupation, he showed me I may make Ozenoz happen.

        Freestyle beginning, like metronome scalework on guitar, passing to pre written lyrics.

        He said simply, and he has nary spoken another word, "Meter..."

<My formula: 5:8 (4) 2:2 (3) 4:4 (1)... "'Pac, man...">

        Wish me luck. Either way, I will see you on the other side.




        Death, he came again.

        As I thought of it, he let me know he would envelop me in darkness, but that my soul would live on.

        "Puny sight," he chuckled innocently "it is just the beginning!"

        She kissed him, the next door neighbor who rallied his friends to a posse fit to kill me back when. Exactly two years ago.

        Not the kiss, the lynch mob.

        No, the kiss, it was in the minds eye. He is her "type", and I am the cat sleeping on her lap she dare not wake to shoo; her legs now numb.

        Tonight, I told her, life is like this.

        "Cause I just couldn't open up, I'm always shiftin'. Go find yourself a man who's strong, and tall, and..."

-Matt Maeson/"Hallucinogenics"

        The most painful part of life is when we cling to it, to beg it not to change, and with it, us.

        "The only constant in life is change"

- Anonymous

        Like the time an EF-4 tornado landed on my car, pushing it from 5mph - 55mph in neutral.

        When I saw it coming, I didn't know what to do. So I did the thing my Buddhist teachings most prominently demanded. I "let go of letting go".

        I put it in neutral, and then as the car slowed to 5mph, it was on me. 

        In a fury of hail, sleet, sticks, rain, and Lord knows what else twisting by the windshield, me in its center, I threw my hands up in the air.

        I laughed out loud. And I said, half screaming,  "God, I'm gonna die right now, and no one is ever going to know just how COOL this LOOKED!"

        The speedometer drew my attention, and it climbed in three or four seconds to 55mph, and then, it let go of me.

        It then demolished 70 some houses, with untold left dead, or worse.

        When the time comes to face a real event, there is little we can do, but let our attitude towards the "Death" of that time be uplifting to ourselves and others.

        The rest is, well, life.

        So dear neighbor, drawn in by the red thread imagined and pulled towards my wife you covet, I reckon of this.

        I am going to stay in neutral.

What element are you?

        I am a Scorpio, with the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Uranus in my first house, Leo rising.

        I bear the Crest and Arms of The Ayers Family, and "The Rising" tide of my namesakes.

        Do what may, time what will come, day that shall shine, tide that does pull, love that has been, and father of the sky itself... "put the wind to my back."

"Peace by Peace."

-J.E. Ayers Brooks

To Whom This Doesn't Concern:

Lillian Jean Heidler Ayers Brooks Prilutski Berger:

You grabbed a sugar daddy at 17 to leave Amish country. You had me. He died at 21. You fucked me over for your comfort wherever possible. Kept me alive only to take credit. 

Brandon J. Brooks:

I am your adopted son. Your middle name is my last name I ever fucking cared about. Die choking on your own arrogance. 

Beat me at 12, threw me out at 15, bribed me to your side at 18 cause you needed to save face, fucked me over every day since. Fuck you with never, not once ever called me, literally, and threw me under the bus with "mom" every day since. I hope your past life review in the afterlife your cocky cynic atheist ass doesn't believe brings you through the thousands of hours of physical pain, exhaustion, attack and terror I lived. Because you and your three private planes, million dollar home, and private family vacations were more dire than this wolf.

Your fucking rich prince brother in law "Uncle" Chris was proven right by your sick petty need to fulfill his prophetic shrink wisdom, that I would want to kill you. You sure are a fine specimen, you rot filth piece of shit.

Jessica Ruch:

Slut fucking mental whore. Shares bi polar with me, former high class prostitute heroin addict. One night stand. Said "take the  condom off" when I asked she was "...disease free. On birth control." She had Hep - C and got pregnant there and then and refused to leave MY HOUSE… the only one I have had an offer to own.

Had my son. Worked her magic with my family, and forever kept me (he is 16) from ever being a part of his life. Due to "my bi polar".

How about

Asher Brooks:

Tutlie. Japanese Breakfast trumpet. Multiple recording studios entreprenuer. Mrs. Marty's Deli. Fuckface.

You talked shit all the way through my forced estrangement, played a song ridiculing my homelessness in Venice, CA, might I add at the TLA, winning the fucking show contest. Then you singlehandedly took all of the money from our parents divorce possible to go to solely you for a BMW Mini Cooper. I got a $75 particlewood guitar. You raped me of my dignity to my son. You buddies up to him while I was demanded, and to this day reproach me as being anyone who should  be around him. 

He was a groomsman at your wedding, his mother (*Jessica) and her boyfriend and his siblings guests. I was uninvited.

Your a ginger head fucking prick. I hope you never have a natural child, and karma has it, your adoption will give you a defective fucking marriage.

Fuck off.

Carly Brooks :

I am not going to go into it. Just stay away from me. 


My son. You have it easier without me, so just keep it simple.

Mike Brooks:

My daughter shares a last name. My son has your first as his middle. Just be kind and leave me alone. Tell Abby to let it "B", and Ivy I hope her dementia is relieved.

As for the rest of you.

I miss you fucks.

The friends so missing:

Melvin Dewayne Smith

Bobby Greene

David Welty

Brad Bungo

Stephen Schwartz

Alan Silver

Robert Naughter

David Green (R.I.P.)

Alex Cabrera

Erik Gray

In reverse order lol.

I miss you all. Except for you. You know who you are.

Wish You Were Here.


▪︎The End?▪︎

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