"Trip" [09/11/2015 4:20 am]

Due to the sensitive nature of this video, Google is blocking the visuals here unless you go fullscreen or to their site. 

First off, let me say that though psychedelics such as LSD can be a rite of passage, an awakening and I support the decriminalization of these and other drugs, they are dangerous.

I obviously have been down this path, and one such "vision quest" stunted my growth as an artist decades back and I do not endorse them as a means to spiritual growth, and factually, it would be faulty to claim lasting life growth produced by the use of them solely.

"There are three side effects of acid: enhanced long-term memory, decreased short-term memory, and I forget the third."

 -Timothy Leary

This "Trip" indeed has psychedelic properties, that being the kaleidoscopic effects I found on an app on one of the dozens of phones I have used on the OZΞИOZ sites.

It is, in fact, the trolley ride I took every day for half an hour through the San Diego area to spend family time with my wife and daughter for years while we lived separately due to monetary difficulties. 

These were times of hardship, led not by drugs and recklessness as you would have by the side of my dearest loves. Through art and inner reflection, meditation and prayer, and much life work it has been well worth the "Trip".

Don't bug out. Lol.

Well, maybe at 09:17

The music was done at 4:20am on 09/11/2015 in one track on a 1970's organ I somehow crammed into my studio apartment in downtown San Diego for a few months.

It captures the magnitude of my distaste for the state of things around me, and I sure was "tripping" with the window open, and the levels set to "10".

Peace by Peace.
