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 The Write Profit

Oppression and the Elite Class

Your Shit's Fucked Up, Now Mine is Too...

This ain't fucking poor, this is fucking broke.

The problem often lies in the solution.

Therein lies the problem.

    I felt so far involved in Venice Beach, I felt I fit so much because no matter where you turn there you are going to find someone with talent, as such being so present in “the scene” that you can consider it oppression by an industry “elite”.

    I would wander for a dozen plus miles a day searching for a way out of my homeless gutter “rut”, thankful for the beach sand to alleviate my foot rot, and on my travels it was surprising what I found, yet all the more the normal to alleviate my trash - can meal “head trauma”. The crazy shit was, people cared. 


    When walking down Rose Avenue from the L.A. Beach Performers scene past all of the hangouts and cafe’s and restaurants, as I passed each venue would resound with chatter, banter, talk of “Ozenoz Media” this or “J.E. Ayers Brooks” that and it was WONDERFUL!

    "The problem was, everybody was busy paying for their mortgage, their rent, keeping up with their designer clothing, supplying their enlarged needs to maintain and grow their status, while emphatically recognizing my work, and not paying me anything for it."

The Community

    This is such a rampant problem I feel so overly exaggerated in my work so readily available online, it is as if the land of “Kings and Queens” of entertainment in the information age is a hoax of uncaring specimens of selfish benfaction only out to live for their own profit.

    The profit of my time put in at MINIMUM WAGE in CA would have been over $250K so far, I have made: $20.

    Millions have viewed  my work, hundreds of thousands read and viewed my stuff, tens of thousands in complete form, when we go to the Walmart (4-5x’s a week) or just about anywhere we go, people talk around us about my work. I am a broke, albeit minor phenomenon, a “local celebrity” held faceted as an addicted bum via the lack of monetary support pledged by my fan base. The fucked up thing is, they HAVE THE MONEY TO HELP!

    I felt so at home in L.A., specifically Venice because, unfortunately it is a hotbed of “the most talented artists” (perhaps) who are struggling in this EXACT FUCKING WAY.

    Surrounded by thugs who will steal your only pair of shoes, and executives who will make sure you lose.


This ain't fucking poor, this is fucking broke.

    People think Google is some kind of giant corporate campus worth billions in Silicon Valley pledging their undying faith to making sure the mass population of 7 billion people increasingly get less and less accurate information. Why? Because they are greedy.

    How much money does GOOGLE MAKE?  Over 38 Billion U.S. Dollars… How many employees does Google have? Over 100,000 employees. Split evenly that would be over $380K per employee. But it doesn’t happen that way. There are in fact just a few hundred behind a storefront window on Santa Monica Blvd. controlling what we see, based on money, bias and just plain personal opinion.

What does that mean to me? That although I am independently educated to the CORE on things that could make a difference, because I had to eat out of trash can on their fucking businesses L.A. Headquarters street curb, I only get the listings that reflect most negatively on me. A monopoly controlled by ignorant sloths blind to my own genius and impact handed tedious and time consuming effort to mostly jeer and amuse themselves of their widespread viewed prank on me, just a bum. 

I just finished indexing my site, sitemap, file names, search descriptions, complete link coding, headers, picture tags, and then full completion of my google business listing, adwords campaigns viewed over 10K times in the last day, search engine submission repeated 10x’s and they just continue to:

  1. Tinker with and manipulate my stats

  2. Repress any sales I would benefit from

  3. Basically  seal my fate as a highly mocked martyr who will be seen in history as such

  4. Make me fucking take my psyche meds


I started as caddy who got so good he caddied for Jay Haas, requested by the pro shop, a young protege for the worlds best. I got forced into Mafia loops, and offered the dirty deals. They threw millions at me I refused out of disgust for the deals themselves. This offended them. Even so far as an honorary B.S. at Penn U, ushered into the Law Program, if I would enter Criminal Defense and get their soldiers legal represe.

The oppression will never stop.

Cried for a half an hour this morning, feeling like I should just pack up, go down to the cemetery and wait for the grave digger.

    It all comes down to this. Pocketed money instead of reinvestment for the people, by the people. Ignorance at best.

Fuck, Google.

This ain't fucking poor, this is fucking broke.

