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J.E. Ayers Brooks


(619) 251 - 4873

To Whom This May Concern;

        Hi there! I am a stay at home Dad with a passion for graphic arts, web design and creative writing that grew over the years into expertise and a fantastic portfolio! Now that my daughter is in school I find I have the time to use this gift to help other people! I have won numerous awards for my work on Ozenoz Media and it's blogger site, and hope to continue  being able to share my gifts with the online community.

        When I take on the task of creating graphic artwork for your brand, I go beyond the norm in molding original from - scratch eye catching works. It all starts with basic medium, sketching and drawing, coloring and shading. Then I find or take photographic still shots and rework them for a variety of finished products to be used.

        Of course that is just the background asthetics. Add to it the foreground: killer content and catchy calls to action, fun navigation and ready - to view media to supplement. I love this business!

        My writing is my passion, and the proper research to document (with in text links) makes the read so much more credible, and enjoyable. Mixing reference, associated press, explanatory dialogue, human interest and humor make for a well told story. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, but never to be left untold. I feel the craft is really sold in the weight of the effect of each of your works on your viewers lives. You can't write if you can't relate, so why not make some friends? That's what we are here for.

        Thank you for your time, and I look forward to talking with you about going FURTHER...


Joel Ayers Brooks

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