Path of Death's Keep

▪︎The Ancient Forest



▪︎Falling off the wagon


▪︎The spirit body

▪︎The physics of consciousness

▪︎Music and Universal language 

▪︎Shamanism and 
didactic apothecary



▪︎The art of humanity

▪︎Drugs and vibrational awareness


▪︎Karma and dharmic reasoning

▪︎The Walk of World Front 

▪︎Building a tomb

▪︎Horus, crows and the great horned God

▪︎Halloween again

▪︎Yoga, Tai Chi, Martial arts and dance

▪︎Muscle memory and sports background

▪︎The gathering

▪︎Staff Dog

▪︎The map route and dates

▪︎An embolism of paranoia

▪︎Marking 202

▪︎The kit gift and artwork

▪︎Gut feeling emancipation


▪︎Rte. 66 (Olympic)

▪︎Forms in the night

▪︎Shadow Boxing

▪︎The flow of the landscape

▪︎The ghost at the fountain

▪︎A bowl with a friend

▪︎Forms in the morning

▪︎Impossible rehabilitation

▪︎Slept on a hill Avenue of the Stars

▪︎End of Olympic

▪︎The concoction

▪︎Corridor at the witching hour

▪︎Boulevard of Broken Dreams

▪︎Blue line train rail


▪︎Nap at the bus stop


▪︎Park trash


▪︎Cigars and payphone money

▪︎Payphones are extinct

▪︎The wild way central

▪︎78th and Central

▪︎A call

▪︎Promise to return

▪︎The stranded law

▪︎A long journey back to the pier

▪︎Seeing up close what I had viewed from afar in my one nights walk in the sands of time across 75 miles of the City of Angels...

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