The "N" Word no no

Ozenoz Media

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January 22, 2021

All I Have Offended

123 Address St 

Anytown, ST 12345

Dear Mr/Ms. Reader,

I am writing this letter, honestly as a much needed expression of a lesson I have finally learned about the use of what is probably the most hateful word in the English language.

I have, in periods mostly in delusions of mania where I felt it would be acceptable to “sensible people” knowing I was not joking out of racism, used the word “nigger”. At this point in time I would like to apologize and say that I am embarrassed that I ever ventured down this path which is at the least vulgar and rude, and most often very offensive. It usually results in a view that the use is intended as racist.

I am not racist, and in fact some of the best friends I have had in the course of my life are black, and I am very pro “Black Lives Matter”.

I cannot access many of these writings which are online now, they are locked, and I have no way to get to them. Therefore I will always run the risk of offending someone, as these writings not intended to cause offense will always be there. Boy does that suck. It actually scares me, this is a serious issue, and my instinct is right now, as happens every so often is that someone read something that pissed them off. Sorry for that hurt, whoever and wherever you are.

Let’s just say that I, for one, being an idiot white dude, will never cross that line again.

My apologies to those who took offense, I assure you I am not a proponent of racism.

Humble Regards,

J.E. Ayers Brooks

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